jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014


I enjoy visiting the Revista, Estado y Gestión Pública, where i can see and read differents subjects relationated with my career, such as the Social innovation and Community development in Argentina, Policy discretion in resorce assugnments, between other topics.

This website is of the Universidad de Chile, add has varied tools for help you in the search about documents that interest you. For example this website permit that you can search documents and articles for number of published, for author or for title, and add permit that you can visit other magazine of the Universidad de Chile. In the case that you dont found the article because you dont understand how use this website, this magazine present a tool that guide you, is called ''ayuda de la revista''.

I discover this website the past year, although for time and the study I can´t continues reading your articles with many often, but I read the articles always that I can. I like this website because implicate my career with theme of the actuality, and this form I can read about that happen in the country and the world with a analysis in base of information and studies.

5 comentarios:

  1. oh i confess that never visit this webpage but looks interesting

  2. i didn't know that exist jejej but i think it's interesting!

  3. Is a great website, and is very important for we study of public administration!!

  4. Me too, I don't visited this page but I don't find interesting. There are more interesting texts for studying more
