jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

About blog

I like creating this blog because was possible know things that like to my classmate and I can know a few more about topics that I don’t know such as films or places of Chile, but I don´t like making the blog in class might have been makes this activity how a homework for excersice We english, because I think that is more necessary learn talk in english in this level and if we can use the all time of the subject in excersice the pronounce the english.

I consider starting my own blog, but for time I think that for this moment I don’t creat a new blog. This can being about differents topics without have a special topic, so this blog can being talk about of all topics without discriminate the opinion of the rest of the people.

With this blog I can write more in english so I think that permit me remember words that I had forgotting.

The blogs haven’t bad things because this instance allow that we can write in english because is the alone moment that I can write in this language.

I only change the moment in that we makes the blogs for take advantage of the few time that we have for development this level of english.


Hello!!! In this ocassion I will write about Chile, this is a country locate is South America, and is a country very large and narrow, although this generate difficulty for the connection of all our country in the moment that a part of this country present problems there are persons of the others Areas of Chile that support of different form, for example with the send of help or directly travel for help to when need the help.

I like the diversity of landscape and typical foods of Chile, besides this country have many cultural  place for develop for example have differents kinds of recreation such as cinema, fantasilandia, MIM, is possible that you visit the house of poet and know your works, ect. But this is the part that I don’t like, all is expensive!! Is very sad that for go a this places we need pay so much money, if fine actually exist somes places that not collect money for enter to this places, they are very few in comparation with the rest.

I change various things of this country, for example the objective that have the means of communication because this means hide the information very relevant under superficial things, for this reason the Chilean society talk about for example of celebrity instead of themes that national contingency, but without delete the topics that distract the attention of the reader. Because if you change the objective of the means of communication you can permit that the Chileans themselves embrace more in who happen in this country.

How I can´t travel to other country, so I don’t know if different with Chile, but I think that happen the same.

The International perception of Chile I think that is good because is a country that be in rout of development, but if fine the stadistics say this really doesn’t happen this because few persons gather the the great majority of the power, such as economic and political.

I wish live In Santiago or in the Ten Area of Chile, because I like the city and besides because as of this point is possible travel to the beach in minutes, and like the south of Chile because is very beautiful  and this place is very probable that rain, and this is very fantastic!!!

jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

Travel experiences in Chile

Hi! Today I talk about my experiences to travel for Chile. First is necessary stand out that this country is very large, so for this reason is very complicated know well all country. I can know a few of this beautiful country, because I can travel for differents parts of the central and south zone, for example I know the south because I have family in the ten area and besides I went at this zone with my course of the college in a tour in 2010.

How I have family in the south often go for there and I visit various place, for example I can visit Puerto Montt, Frutillar and Puerto Varas, between other magnifics places, besides I ate "curanto" always that I go for this part.

But I not visited only the south of Chile, because in the summer of 2008 I went to Coquimbo with my parents and brothers and with a friend´s family, and after I went again beacuase the family of my girlfiend invited me, and went at differents parts very funny, for example a water park, the center of Coquimbo and Totoralillo.

jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014


I enjoy visiting the Revista, Estado y Gestión Pública, where i can see and read differents subjects relationated with my career, such as the Social innovation and Community development in Argentina, Policy discretion in resorce assugnments, between other topics.

This website is of the Universidad de Chile, add has varied tools for help you in the search about documents that interest you. For example this website permit that you can search documents and articles for number of published, for author or for title, and add permit that you can visit other magazine of the Universidad de Chile. In the case that you dont found the article because you dont understand how use this website, this magazine present a tool that guide you, is called ''ayuda de la revista''.

I discover this website the past year, although for time and the study I can´t continues reading your articles with many often, but I read the articles always that I can. I like this website because implicate my career with theme of the actuality, and this form I can read about that happen in the country and the world with a analysis in base of information and studies.

Favourite photo

National Geographic put into practice the competition of photography annual of the 2013, considering that many people of the different part of the World send your photos. In this concurse was necesary that the photo had cretivity and quality.

This photo was took in Manitoba, Canada, for Paul Sounders, who capture in this imagen the precise moment in that a polar bear is down of the water look to the surface. With this beautiful picture Sounders win the competition, and obtein ten thousand dolars and a travel for participe in a seminary about of photography carried in office of the National Geographic.

I like this picture because add of display the polar bear, is a call of atention for the society because this animal live with few space for your development, product of the global warming that is thaw the ice. Is very important fight against global warming for not permit that the polar beer cease to exist.

viernes, 25 de abril de 2014



I have a mobile phone Iphone 4, is very good but have problems as all cells.

The Iphone 4 is a excellent mobile phone, because you have the chance of makes calls or video calls with your contacts, add of enter in the social network, take picture and shared with your friend in the network.

I bought the Iphone 4 after of that my cell earlier give me problems with the calls, sometimes I can't makes or receive calls of my family or friends, for this search cells and find this with a contact of my uncle.

I use for make me in contact with my girlfriend, my family and friends, through the calls and of the messages add I take pictures of only moments. I use my mobile phone very often for can inform me of my dear persons. Add I like this cell because function as a computer and mobile phone in a equipment that can is in the palm of your hands.

I think that without this technology equally is possible maintain the contact with the dear persons, but will lose speed.

jueves, 24 de abril de 2014

Favourite movie

Angel and Devil

Hi! Today I talk about of my favourite movie, if good haven't a alone in particular, but in this occasion I will write about Angel and Devil. This movie is base in the book Angel and Devil of the writer Dan Brown, is necessary stand out that exist very difference between the book and the movie, but the plot of the history is the same.

Angel and Devil revolve around of the reappearance of the Illumitti and your intention for destroy the Catholic Church, to get whit purpose they kidnap the cardinals that can aspire to obtain the post of Papa and add put a bomb in the Vatican, but in the course of the movie can see that all is a lie, because the Illuminatti aren't returned but that who put the bomb in the Vatican is the Camarlengo with the intention of save to all the persons and the Vatican of the explosion of the bomb, and of this form strengthen the Catholic Church and begin again attract the persons that toke distance of the Catholic religion. The history revolve around of Robert Langdon and Vittoria Vetra, they will attempt to discover who is behind of this attack and add stop the explosion of the bomb.

The principal actor of this movie are Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks), Vittoria Vetra (Ayelet Zurer) and the Camarlengo (Ewan McGregor).

I like this movie because is the first book that I read and after can see in the cinema, if good the book is better the movie this last have excellents effects specials.

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014


Hello!!! Welcome to my blog.

In the present semester I not can take a subjects for problems with my schedule, because in the hour of the subjects I have class.

I make extracurriculars activity such as sport in the gym of the University and in the Recoleta stadium where I'm practice football for the School of Government and the last week the team win the match and this weekend we compete again for the League the Reina.

Apart of study, make sport and go to class in the University I share with my girlfriend the largest time possible of the week, because we academy period no is very compatible, add in the weekend I work makes type of biscuit.

I hope that this new academic period will be very fantastic in all sense, as much in my relation with my family and my girlfriend, in my job and in my studies, and that this present semester not will very stressful.

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

Auto Biography

Auto Biography

Well, my full name is Salomón Yasser Díaz Vargas, such as the well-known person of the Biblia the Salomon King, he was a man of big wisdom.

I was born on the 18th January 1994 in Santiago, Chile. All my life I have lived in the Capital of this beautiful country, but no always in the same place, in my first age of life I was living in the north of Metropolitana area, and at present I'm life in the south west of Santiago area.

I went to the local primary school, called Mother of Jesus, then I continued my studies in Don Orione Secondary School, and presently study Public Administration in the University of Chile.

My immediate family is made up of my father Alejandro, my mother Rosina, my sister Jazmín and my brother Benjamín.

I love the sport as the football and tennis, add other hobbies for my be the photography, watch movies and listen music.

Finally, I like the chicken with potato fried and the Peruan food. Add I job makes type of biscuit.

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

Hello, my name is Salomon and I'm in class of inglish from the computer room.

Thanks for you visited my blogger.